I’m back

Weekly Photo Challenge - SeaFinally after trying many ways to retrive my blog, I have finally done it and got it back..So glad to be here again. Thank you WordPress for all your help with this.😊


Bears at Taylor Creek, South Lake Tahoe

Bears at Taylor Creek

Bears at Taylor Creek

Bears at Taylor Creek

Bears at Taylor Creek

I was so lucky to be here at Taylor Creek on this beautiful day in October…I told my boyfriend, if you get here early morning or late evening you might get lucky and see some bears and just as I said that as we were heading down the trail we`spotted a couple of bears in the creek and a ton of people on the bridge taking pictures…The bears didn’t seem to mind the people, and for the most part everyone stayed there distance from them.

What is Love

QBG_Tilted Tiara

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe other day I asked a question on Facebook, just a small innocuous question…..

“What is Love?”

I dared people to answer the question, no debate or argument with other answers allowed. I wanted to know what some of my friends and relatives thought the answer was. Here are some of the answers:


I thought all of them were interesting, some more than others. This is my favorite:

“The emotion which makes us hunger to give, even when we believe we hold nothing more.”

Given the diversity of my Facebook friends, I was somewhat surprised by how consistent the answers were. I honestly thought some of my ‘friends’ would have come up with something more, something grander. Then again, I sometimes expect a great deal when I throw the door open with general questions. I think when we ask these questions it stumps people.

What is Love?

How do we…

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